Thursday, January 7, 2010

A little on Epictetus

"When you have shut your doors, and darkened your room, remember never to say that you are alone, for you are not alone . . . your mind and genius are within,--and what need have they of light to see what you are doing?" ~ Epictetus: Discourses Chap. xiv

Lately, I am really getting into ancient literature. I am realizing that nothing truly is new. Everything is just a repetition of those things learned by the ancient Greeks and Romans.

I find Epictetus especially intriguing. He was born a slave, yet he held that all people have the right to live free and in harmony with nature. I like that concept.

1 comment:

  1. I like the ancients too Kim, especially the ancient Greeks from Athens as they really seemed like each free man (person) was a philosopher in their own right. When I spent some time in Ireland, I often wondered if the Irish weren't reincarnations of the Athenians. Each one is a Plato or Socrates or Zeno and they know their Homer too! At least the ones I spoke to did.

    Sparta is out of the frame too stoic for my liking and they remind me too much of the Eastern Block.

    However The Ancient Greeks are less original than I initially believed. Much of their ideas come from further afield.
    Recently I read my younger son the story of Hercules. I should have realized that Superman and other modern Heroes are based on the story of Hercules.

    Great blogs thanks

