Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Well, the holidays are truly over now

Valentine's Day goods are popping up everywhere. Christmas is all relegated to the clearance bins. And, for my little 4-6 ounce non-migraine coffee today, I am having the last of the Trader Joe's Wintry Blend (for those of you un-indoctrinated, it's a medium roast with spices like pink peppercorn and nutmeg. Yum!). Sigh. Yes, it's true. Ten more months until the holidays begin again.

I also threw the last of the unfrosted sugar cookies out for the birds today, if only in an effort to keep them away from the cat food set out for the barn & stray cats! (I KNOW!) But, there is something a bit melancholic when the last of the tinsel is put away and the bulk of Winter is stretched out before you. Sigh. Again.

My mind moves away from thoughts of festivities into thoughts of "work". So much to do these days, and January always reminds me. Lo, Janus - the two-faced Roman god of beginnings and endings! You have to till the soil before you plant the seeds for Spring. So the work begins.

Work. What does that mean exactly? Well, there is so much work to do, in my internal house and my external house, that all of the resolutions I have made seem to center around them. And we can make all the resolutions we wish, but we have to be willing to step back, review a bit, then 'put on our big girl pants, roll up our sleeves, and get to work', as I recently said in another venue. Recognizing and identifying the need for change are only the tip of the iceberg. It was the rest of the iceberg that sunk the Titanic, right? That's where the real challenge lies - in the depths of our OWN ocean.

So, here I am, working to keep the "boat afloat". The immensity makes things overwhelming at times. But, coming back to center in this Winter is what will keep the balance. And make for a lovely Spring and Summer!

"In the depths of winter I realized that within me lie an invincible summer." ~ Albert Camus

So, so true, Mr. Camus. (Pretty uplifting for an existentialist, eh??)

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