Sunday, January 3, 2010

Does this blog make my butt look big?

Admit it, you made a resolution to lose weight. It's got 85% or more of the nation under its spell, that resolution.

Well, I made a resolution to write more.

I had some pretty lofty goals last year. A few I kept, and a few I excused, mostly because I realized that my stress level last year was astronomical. This blog is not going to be about weight loss, food counting, and exercise like the last one started out. It will be more of the way it ended.

I hope this is okay with all of you. It's more what I need anyway.

Incidentally, I may NOT write everyday, but that's only because I may find other places to write. But I will try.

1 comment:

  1. Writer? Did you ever try this blog? Every once in awhile I input my 60 seconds.
