Sunday, May 2, 2010

Pilfered Picture Project: Week 19 ~ Green

I wasn't quite sure what Green meant to me. I am so sick of hearing it in an environmental context because it makes me frightened this is just a "trend" and will soon be abandoned by the wayside. And there was the so very obvious green of a country springtime all around me.

So what is Green? How does one visualize it? I have seen through green every day of my life - not only in my life's practices, but also my eyes.

We were brought up to shut off lights when we leave a room, turn off the water while brushing our teeth, and to reuse and recycle everything we can. I look around the farm, and I see green.
The light through the leaves was lovely this afternoon, too. It made a cloudy, gloomy day feel more like spring. This is from the tree that nearly concussed and injured us, looking down the hollow stump to see if Momma bird did have a nest there. I saw her take food in today. She must! I celebrate the many aspects of the tree:

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