Monday, February 15, 2010

Week 6: Theme: Closeup

Oh, too many to count! I love micro-photography, but sometimes when you have a MACRO-sized subject, it becomes a bit fuzzy where a closeup begins and ends.

So, I have several to share.

One is the eye of the horse we nearly rescued. She was taken from us while we were gone one afternoon. I am sure she cries about it still, too. It was one of the hardest things I have ever gone through. It's the neglectful owner's karma, I guess.

One is Joey making friends with the above horse's colt. It's a sad looking little thing, being the product of an old mare. His chest is narrow, he is very compact instead of the large-size of a pure Thoroughbred. He is also a nasty biter. Thankfully, I had Joey on a tight leash!

And the Dog Girls, again. Always. Including Joey's Self-Portrait and Allie's "We Stole a Corns or Two"

Plus a kitty - always . . .

And the authorities on turtle-stacking, Baruch (top) and Sara.

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