Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Pilfered Picture Project Week 8 ~ Theme: Diptych

I'm supposed to create a diptych this week. And so I have.

The issue, however, is that there is absolutely no way this blog will accomodate the depth of the two pictures if I place them side-by-side.

Therefore, I present: Detached Diptych - Portrait of a Broken Hinge

Before and after, Banana Nut Bread; The baking on Ash Wednesday.

Whole wheat flour, cage-free organic eggs, and organic bananas from the freezer all went into this lovely loaf, made by loving hands.

Enjoy ~ (with a little margarine)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Last catch-up week ~ Week 7 - Theme: Water and Waves

Be sure to scroll down to the first of today's postings. Hopefully, that should explain the pilfered picture project, as I have chosen to title it.

To catch up for this week's theme is a hard one. As it is, I already cheated on "last week's" closeups . . . several were older than last week.

But it's frozen out there. The snow and damp rule the landscape, so how to find water and waves?

Then it dawned on me. The turtles. And ice. Perfect for winter!

Week 6: Theme: Closeup

Oh, too many to count! I love micro-photography, but sometimes when you have a MACRO-sized subject, it becomes a bit fuzzy where a closeup begins and ends.

So, I have several to share.

One is the eye of the horse we nearly rescued. She was taken from us while we were gone one afternoon. I am sure she cries about it still, too. It was one of the hardest things I have ever gone through. It's the neglectful owner's karma, I guess.

One is Joey making friends with the above horse's colt. It's a sad looking little thing, being the product of an old mare. His chest is narrow, he is very compact instead of the large-size of a pure Thoroughbred. He is also a nasty biter. Thankfully, I had Joey on a tight leash!

And the Dog Girls, again. Always. Including Joey's Self-Portrait and Allie's "We Stole a Corns or Two"

Plus a kitty - always . . .

And the authorities on turtle-stacking, Baruch (top) and Sara.

Week 5 - Theme: Season Winter

Oh, this was an easy one. In the country, winter is an easy place to find beauty. I have to post all of this, actually, as I couldn't choose.

One is the instance were a fog settled and was quickly frozen by the frigid air: Hoarfrost

One is the backyard at sunrise: Country Morning in Winter

Two are the full moon in the backyard as darkness falls: Moondance 1 & 2

Enjoy this sequence!

Week 4/52 - Theme: Yellow

I had to think very hard of a picture of yellow. It's not my favorite color, but I find it's cheery.

Yes, we really had our tree up in week 4 of this year. Yes, I actually took this pic before we took it down.

I have been collecting ornaments since 1976. I probably have enough various glass and crafted ornaments for 3 trees, themed! One tree, seriously, could be 'jester wands'. I have that many.

For your perusal: Christmas Dreams

Week 3/52 - Theme: this is me

We were invited to dinner with some friends. As I was getting ready, I snapped this shot.

It's the first self-portrait that I have been happy with in some time. Actually, the first picture of myself I have been happy with in a LONG time.

I give you: Me, blue

Week 2/52 - Theme: Happy

This one is easy. This is about the happiest face I have ever seen. This is Joey, our rescue baby. Nearly dead when I happened to find her and her brother online (the rest of the litter was put to sleep), I had no doubt the name the rescue had given her fit her to a T: Jovanna. It's Hebrew for "God is Gracious."

It was by the GRACE of some higher power that we found her, so the name stuck. We just made it more appropriate to our indomitable force!

And, yes . . . she is larger than she appears. Sometimes, she's just plain larger than life!

I include Allie's opposing portrait, for contrast.

Yes, I have been Writing Daily!

. . . just not always here!

This year has been wrought with a lot of sadness. It's been a long, cold, lonely winter, to be honest

But, I decided to be a photo-project copycat to ensure at least a WEEKLY post here.

My friend, Eric, is a talented photographer and all-around swell kind of guy! He is also our petsitter extraordinaire. He recently committed (Eric? Commit? hahaha) to a 52 week photography project. One theme a week. So, in an effort to stop wallowing and start having more fun, I have gleaned onto it as well. (

Like Eric, I will not be posting to the Flickr site. I will just be doing this for fun. Unlike Eric, I didn't start the first week of January, but ironically, I have all of the same shots through the same time period! (For the most part. But, Yellow . . . I will work on that.)

Without further adieu, I give you Week 1/52. Theme: New

This is a photo of my "new" trunk. It was my great-grandmother's, then my great-aunt's (godmother's), and then her son's, my second-cousin & self-professed pagan godfather. Now that he is gone, the trunk has passed to me. And it is positively teeming with history.