Tuesday, September 29, 2009

On Becoming a Farm Girl

So, we decided to move to the country. We had just lived in the heart of a semi-major city. Dismayed and disillusioned , we wanted a life away from suburbs and neighborhoods. And neighbors!

Finding a home that was reasonably close to all three of the hospitals my surgeon-husband will be working out of was a bit of a chore! Given that we were in a bit of a rush didn't make life any easier.

With only two visiting days (and lots of emailed ideas in between), we somehow managed to find this. It was built in 1852, had a long history best left for another day, but only came on 2.5 acres, and Husband & I wanted more: Negotiations for 10 acres were only the beginning of our troubles.

The housing market, an incompetent appraiser, and buckets of tears & lost-hair-from-stress, coupled with the fact there were no comparables on the market (so they say . . . two of three appraisers each found 4 similar homes, so there were at least eight!), made for many sleepless nights, worrying that our "new home" may actually end up being a U-Haul in a parking lot somewhere! The day the final offer was set to expire, suddenly, miraculously, I started thinking with my head and not my heart. Having a very savvy real estate agent helped considerably, and it all fell together at the 11th hour.

So, now, for the first time since I was 14 years old, I am not working. And I am now officially a farm girl. What to do with my time? I am learning already, there is something to do every day.

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