Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Pilfered Picture Project - Week 16 ~ Bench

So, I found myself in the hospital. An allergic reaction to a new medication left me with dystonia on the left side. While I am recovering, I am still weak and finding myself with little to no gross motor control on the left. I didn't want to fall behind on the project, so I snapped the first thing I could think of . . .

The theme for the week was Bench.

This is the windowseat in our dining room. It was the original site of the front entrance to our home. It is now Joey's favorite place to stay, and I usually let her, although only if she does not bark at everyone who goes by on the road. USUALLY she is pretty good. And then a squirrel moved in to the tree outside of it.

Yeah, you guessed it. Joey is banned from the window. She broke it once in December already. So, the bench has become a storage place for many things, well really ANY thing to keep her away from the window! She's lucky she's cute!

I can't wait until we put a sunroom there!

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